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Receive integrative & holistic support, comprehensive assessment & individualised guidance along your journey back to health

Learn more about naturopathy

Naturopathy is a holistic method of looking into a person’s health. The Naturopathic philosophy is based on the thought that the body, when given the right ingredient, whether through nutrition, herbal medicine, emotional support, lifestyle changes or the use of other modalities or a combination, has the ability to heal itself.

Many clients say they have been told they have nothing wrong with them or their pathology test/s are clear. However, clients’ speak of real symptoms that cause them severe discomfort. When a thorough Naturopathic health assessment is carried out, it is interesting to note this may detect areas of concern that may affect a person’s wellbeing and may prove their discomfort is real.

Your time spent with a Naturopath is time spent talking about these areas of concern and about your lifestyle or any other pertinent information relating to your health stress/ es that you are willing to share.

Naturopathic medicine is used on it’s own or in conjunction with your *medical or pharmaceutical treatments. *Careful thought and investigation goes into this combination especially, and, if necessary we may need to liaise with your health provider. Whilst speaking about this, Naturopaths never diagnose your own or others’ health condition. Instead we ask if you have been diagnosed by a health professional and if necessary we ask you to go to a General Practitioner to do more tests that are outside a Naturopath’s scope.

Why go to a Naturopath?

Do you have unresolved health challenges such as, but not limited to:

  • Thyroid issues

  • Yeast overgrowth

  • Gut problems

  • Nervousness or feeling down

  • Sleep, lack of

  • Sluggish bowel

  • Energy (lack of)

  • Fat Loss (a specialty)

  • Sports Nutrition

  • Immune function concerns

  • Skin problems

  • Children’s health

  • Liver stress

  • Blood glucose, type II

  • Kidney/ Urinary tract discomfort

  • Ageing not so gracefully

  • Sweating profusely

Naturopathic Consultation

A Health Questionnaire is preferred and carried out before your consultation; this is so your health concerns are done in a timely manner. Please return completed forms to [email protected] - The initial consultation generally takes 1 to 1 ½ hrs so all your health concerns are revealed.

Download Questionnaire

Available tests include:

Blood sugar evaluation, blood pressure, oxygen level, hair analysis, oncology test, MTHFR, food and chemical sensitivities, gut microbes, parasites and many others

Cost: $120 per consultation

Interested to learn more?
Schedule in at your convenience

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